WBUAFS Recruitment 2017 – Dy Director, Dean & Other Posts: West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Science (WBUAFS), Kolkata has issued a notification for the recruitment of Deputy Director of Research, Dean, Librarian, Deputy Librarian & Other vacancies. Eligible candidates can apply in the prescribed application format on or before 15-03-2017 by 05.00 PM. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee & how to apply are given below…
WBUAFS Vacancy Details:
Total No.of Posts: 08
Name of the Posts:
1. Dean: 01 Post
2. Librarian: 01 Post
3. Deputy Director of Research: 02 Posts
4. Deputy Librarian: 01 Post
5. Assistant Director of Research: 01 Post
6. Assistant Director of Extension: 01 Post
7. Security cum Estate Officer: 01 Post
Age Limit: Candidates age should be not less than 45 years for Post 1, not less than 35 years for Post 3 & 4, not above 35 years for Post 5 & 6, between 40-45 years as on 01-01-2017.
Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess minimum Master’s degree in Veterinary & Animal Sciences/ Dairy Science/ Dairy Technology/ Fishery Science/ Allied Science/ M.P.Ed/ MBA (H.R.D) from a recognized university at least 55 % marks in aggregate of OGPA of 2.75 out of 4 for Post 1, minimum Master’s degree in Library Science or equivalent having at least 55 % marks in aggregate or OGPA 2.75 out of 04.00, MBA with knowledge of application of Computerization in Library for Post 2, Master degree in Veterinary Sciences/ Animal Sciences/ Dairy Technology or Sciences/ Fishery Sciences with good academic records and at least 55 % marks in Master Degree level, Ph.D degree in concerned subject for Post 3 & for more information refer the notification.
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on interview.
Application Fee: Candidates should pay Rs. 1000/- (1/4 th of Rs. 1000/- for SC/ ST categories) crossed demand draft drawn in favour of “Finance Officer, WBUAFS” drawn on any nationalized bank payable at Kolkata.
How to Apply: Eligible candidates can send their complete 7 sets applications in the prescribed format along with seven sets of self attested copies of testimonials & top of the envelope should be superscribed with “Name of the Post applied for” in Bold Letters should reach to the Registrar (Actg.), West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences, 68, Kshudiram Bose Sarani, Kolkata – 700 037 only by Registered post with Acknowledgment Due or speed post on or before 15-03-2017 by 05.00 PM.
Last Date for Submission of Application: 15-03-2017 by 05.00 PM.
For more details like grade pay, desirable qualification, experience & other information click on the link given below….